Blessing Tree

1400-year-old- Sahabi Tree Of Prophet (P.B.U.H)

Sahabi Tree, Tree of Al Buqayawiyya (The Blessed Tree) (Arabic شجرالمبارکہ) is a 1400 years old tree located in Safawi, Jordan, 156 km from Amman, the capital of Jordan.  The tree is a pistachio tree. It is located on the old trade route between Mecca and Damascus. Caravans used to travel by this route.

It is believed that one such caravan was going to Syria from Mecca, when Muhammad sat down under its shadow at the age of 12. He was accompanying his uncle Abu Talib. Under this tree, the monk Bahira foretold about the prophethood of Muhammad.

It is a tourist attraction in Jordan, with many Muslims visiting the tree every year