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Petra by Night: 7 Essential Tips for a Remarkable Journey

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Petra by Night is an incredibly wonderful experience. As the night falls in Petra, thousands of candles are lit and their flickering glow converts the treasury into a dream-like realm. Think about walking around the siq where the high cliffs whisper and reveal stories from the past, leading you to the Treasury, which is bathed in flickering candlelight. It has a feeling of enchantment that will send you back in time.

However, preparation is necessary to enjoy this memorable experience fully. The enticement of Petra by night is beyond any doubt, but without the right planning, you might miss out on many things. Whether you’re a history enthusiast, or simply seeking an adventure, visiting Petra by night requires some planning beforehand.

Here are seven essential tips that will ensure that your visit night by Petra is stress-free as well as enjoyable

Book tickets in advance

Booking your tickets in advance is very important for a memorable visit to Petra by night, as the tickets sell out quickly and you have to wait in long queues for long periods, especially during peak tourist seasons. Buy your passes before the event which guarantees your spot and will also avoid the stress of arrangements made at the last minute. This helps you have a tension-free and calm experience. Additionally, reaching a little bit earlier will allow you to enjoy the atmosphere before Petra by night begins. You can explore the Siq, the narrow gorge which leads to the Treasury. The setting sun casting a glow over the rocks is a breathtaking view to witness.

Essential packing

Before attending the event Petra by night, you need to pack some right clothes which are very important for a comfortable experience, especially if you are attending it with your children. After the sunset, the temperatures can drop. It is advised to carry jackets or sweaters. Additionally, you should opt for layers so that you can adjust your clothing depending on the weather. Moreover, it is recommended to pack a shawl with you, which can provide extra warmth and versatility. In addition, sturdy shoes are also a must because you have to walk on uneven paths and rocky terrain. Finally, carry a small backpack for your things as they are easy to carry, and don’t forget to add water as it is not guaranteed that you will get it there and a flashlight as after the event the lights are turned off and you have navigated back in total darkness.

Visiting with children

When visiting Petra by night with children, first of all, consider their early bedtimes, as well-rested kids are less likely to become cranky during the event. Additionally, dress them in layers, including warm jackets and hats to avoid getting sick as temperatures can drop significantly after sunset. Moreover, pack some snacks for them as this will help keep their energy levels up and spirits high throughout the night. If you have younger children, carry a lightweight stroller as you have to walk on rocky terrain and uneven paths. Engage them by sharing stories about Petra’s history. Finally, remember to allow for short time stops along the journey which will give them time to rest and enjoy.

Carrying a torch

While attending Petra by night it is important to carry a torch but you need to use your torch very wisely. First of all, when walking the paths which are lit by candles you must walk in the darkness because using your torch can completely takes away the charm and ruins what this event is actually about. But, when it gets dark and you can’t see in front of you, here where you will need your torches to keep yourself safe.

Having dinner before the event

Having dinner before the Petra by night event is very important because you have to walk a lengthy distance. First, the journey to the event involves walking through rocky and uneven paths, which are physically demanding, especially after a long day of exploring. If you reach there hungry, the chance are that you will not enjoy the experience, as your focus will shift from the ambiance of event to your discomfort. Additionally, restaurants are closed before the event ends, leaving you with no options for dinner. Therefore, if you haven’t eaten dinner beforehand, you may find yourself searching for food in the dark, which can be frustrating. By planning to have dinner before the event, you can ensure that you are well-nourished and ready to fully enjoy the whole experience of Petra by night, without the thought of hunger or the stress of closed restaurants.

Capturing a perfect shot

For capturing the perfect shot at Petra by night, it is important to use a tripod so that you can set it up by the time you arrive at the event. First, make sure to find the perfect spot where the crowd is not visible in the frame usually at the right or left side of the treasury as more people focus on getting the shot from the front. Next, adjust your focus to infinity and use a fast aperture (low f-stop number) for keeping the exposure times short. 20 or 30 sec is the best exposure time. To reduce noise and improve the quality of pictures keep your ISO low. Finally, mount a wide-angle lens on your camera for a wide shot of the Treasury.

Stay connected

While attending the event you need to keep in touch for a smooth experience. Before leaving for the event it is important to make sure that your devices are fully charged as you may need them for navigation and emergency contacts. Always keep a portable charger for emergencies.

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